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Asthenotic eczema

Asthenozoal eczema is a form of eczema in the elderly, characterised by dry, cracked skin with subtle signs of exematisation. Causes of the disease may include age-related reduction in skin lipids and water reserve, co-morbidities or poor diet, excessive use of soaps and other skin cleansers, recurrent microtrauma, low environmental humidity and dry cold winds, exposure to skin irritants, use of medications (diuretics, cimetidine, glucocorticosteroids), zinc, linoleic or linolenic acid deficiency.

Asthenotic eczema is more often found on the legs, arms or hands. Itching and redness, crusting and swelling caused by the bite are common with dry skin.

Treatment recommendations include:

  • shower as briefly as possible, avoid hot water;
  • do not wash the eczema affected areas with soap, avoid strong skin cleansers;
  • use strong moisturising creams after washing;
  • use moisturising creams several times a day;
  • use topical creams containing corticosteroids.
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